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[Mar '24](Pic) 1 Day WS 1440x2200.png

Improv for Everyone

An Introduction to Improvisational Theatre

with Stephen Thornton

In this 1-day intensive, participants will learn and use the basic tools that are essential to improvisational theatre. We will focus on how to: make active positive choices, honor the physical and verbal reality of the scene, be in the moment, build colorful scenes through: active listening, reacting, responding, supporting your fellow player(s) and enjoy exploring the unknown. Most important is that we enjoy ourselves and have fun!


~ This workshop is for anyone who has never improvised but has been curious about trying it. Or for those who already have improv training and want to strengthen the fundamentals they already know. ~


This workshop will be conducted in English with interpretation in Portuguese. 


Date: Saturday, 23 of March

Location: Fluxus Stage, Rua Actor Vale 16 B, 1900-025 Lisboa

Time: 14h - 18:30h


Max number of participants: 14

Price: 65€ (IVA included)*

[Sign up until the 6 of March to receive a 20% discount

(price: 52€ - IVA included)]*


*Payment is due to complete your reservation. Once your payment is received, there are no refunds for cancellations or drop-outs.

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R. Actor Vale 16B, 1900-025 Lisboa, Portugal

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