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~ Jams are conducted in English ~​

Every 1st Tuesday of the Month

FREE 2 Play -or- 1 € to Watch

Important: Doors are closed at 7:30pm, corresponding to the start of the Jam. Latecomers will not be allowed entry.

For the Improviser 
Meet [new] people, do scenes and have FUN! 

For the Spectator 
Grab a drink, sit back and watch people make up silly scenes on the spot.

What is a Jelly Jam?

Jelly Jam is an Improv Jam, which is a event for improvisers, of all levels, to jump on-stage and play with other improvisers.  In a Jam everyone who wants to participate will put their name into a bucket. Names will be pulled and they will do a short scene with a random partner.  

Why come to a Jam?

Jelly Jam - 6 month Schedule
Jelly Jam - Bucket Rules
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